Jubileua 2025 Esperantzaren erromes

martes, 8 de agosto de 2023

Lisboatik Mundakara Gazte Mundu Batzarretik hainbat korear gure artean A large group of Korean youth right from Lisbon to Mundaka after the World Youth Day


Lisboako Gazte Mundu Batzarraren ostean, korear gazte talde handi bat Mundakara etorri da. Argazkian eskoian dagoen Antonio Kim abadeagaz egin dogu berba, gazteei ondo etorria emon aurretik.

After the World Youth Day in Lisbon, a large group of young Koreans have come to Mundaka. We talked with Reverend Antonio Kim (on the right of the picture) before welcoming the teens.

-Zelan etorri zarie Mundakara?

-Lisboatik hegazkinez Loiura eta han bus bat alokatu dogu Mundalara etortzeko.

-Zenbat etorri zarie?

-111 guztiz, gazteak eta abadeak. Herriko etxe bizitza ezbardinetan banatu gara lau egun berton egiteko.

                                                  Parrokian gazteak urreratzen astiro astiro. The young Koreans getting acquainted with our church little by little.

-Ze helburu dozue gure artean?

-Lisboako oihartzunak batu, bizi, alkar banatu. Mezea egunero korearrez, eta edonor dago gonbidatuta gura badau parte hartu.

-Ondo etorri gure herrira!

-Eskerrik asko!

- How did you come to Mundaka?

- We came by plane from Lisbon to Loiu where we hired a bus to come to Mundaka.

- How many people make up the group?

- A total of 111, young people and priests. We are being hosted in several houses in the village for four days.

- What are your goals while with us?

- Bringing the echoes of Lisbon together, experiencing and sharing them. We also want to celebrate Mass in Korean. Everyone is welcome to take part.

- Welcome to our country!

- Thank you!

Jose Mari Kortazar

                                                       Bideo konferentzai euren gotzainagaz. A video call with their bishop

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